ATL is the originator and world leader in Collapsible and Portable Secondary Containment.
ATL’s Port-A-Berm™ and Speedi-Berm™ dikes are inexpensive devices to capture leaks and spillage of hazardous liquids, as well as hold contaminated soils and debris. Berm capacities range from 100 gallons (400 litres) to over 50,000 gallons (200,000 litres). Chemical resistance extends to acids, alkalis, fuels, solvents, etc.
Speedi-Berm and Port-A-Berm are highly portable and uniquely effective “dikes” which prevent loss of toxic or flammable liquids in the event of a tank failure, a spill or a leak. These systems are self-supporting “ponds” with special chemical-resistant reinforced liners. Speedi-Berm and Port-A-Berm help protect the soil, surface water, ground water and personnel from exposure to contaminated soils, toxic wastes, solvents, fuels and other hazardous liquids and powders.
Almost any primary storage container can be protected within a Speedi-Berm or Port-A-Berm including: plastic tanks, drums, bottles, barrels, rubberized tanks, metal tanks, tank trucks and even aircraft! In addition to their broad-range chemical resistance, the Speedi-Berm and Port-A-Berm feature outstanding tolerance of sunlight, rain, hail and temperature extremes. Hence, both systems may generally be used outdoors as well as indoors.